The first National Policy on Philanthropy launched today (13th December 2023) offers a unique opportunity to increase resources to tackle the cost-of-living crisis, climate change and to end all forms of inequality in every part of the country, according to Community Foundation Ireland.
The Community Foundation says the policy contains commitments offering opportunities to grow types of philanthropy which internationally have been shown to be effective in generating extra private giving for the greater public good.
The Foundation, which has grown Government seed funding of €1-Million in 2000 into over €130-Million in grants, is a philanthropic hub with a mission of Equality For All In Thriving Communities. Its’ donors support a network of more than 5,000 voluntary, community and charitable groups.
A number of priority actions in the new policy have been identified by Community Foundation Ireland:
Establish Pilot Community Funds which will see private and public money working together to benefit a defined village, town, city or county to grow Placed Based Giving (Action 16)
Undertake awareness raising with all local, national and EU policy makers to grow a new open-ness to Public-Private Match-Funding to tackle the most difficult of issues, including climate (Action 11)
Grow Legacy Giving with a national awareness campaign and fiscal incentives to untap a potential €160-Million as identified in Community Foundation’s 2023 ‘Legacies for Good’ Research (Action 12)
Launch Irish Philanthropy Week which will engage all parts of Irish society with key spokespeople, supporters and others within the sector
Welcoming the publication of the policy, Denise Charlton, Chief Executive of Community Foundation Ireland said:
“An Irish model of philanthropy has been identified in this policy. It is a unique forming of giving, often less brash and with a greater local focus but which is at its core strategic with an intent to have a long-term positive impact.
Minister of State Joe O’Brien TD and his officials are to be congratulated for recognising the wider benefit of growing this form of larger gift-giving.
While some of the suggestions in the policy will require consideration there are others which can be actioned immediately. As a philanthropic hub we have provided the research and the evidence to support the activation of four immediate steps to turn this policy into reality.
The opportunity to grow and promote Irish philanthropy has arrived, if as a society we seize it then the benefits will be for everyone.”